
He arrives all dressed in black. Diamond cufflinks. A watch on his tanned wrist that cost more than we would ever see in a lifetime of work. He carries a single red rose for my mother.

Months later, Tiernan Morelli lays red roses on my mother’s grave. That same day, he tells me that he is my new guardian.

I should have known from the very start that he had more in common with the thorns than the rose. Now I know the truth: I’m a pawn in his dangerous game of revenge. I was too young and naive. Now it’s too late to save myself from his clutches.

I belong to him.



Giana Darling sure knows how to write a Daddy! Tiernan in Dangerous Temptations is no exception!

Tiernan is a hard man. He has had a hard life in the Morelli family. Though I understand his motivations, I found myself annoyed that he was loyal to a family that treated him so poorly. On the other hand, I did appreciate that he assembled his own family. I just wished they paid attention to him a little more.

Bianca is an intelligent woman who is used to taking care of everything. So it was nice to see her taken care of a little. She pushed against Tiernan, and I wouldn’t expect anything less from her. Their interactions were electric. They fought one another and their attraction throughout the book.

I like that this was told from both Tiernan and Bianca’s points of view. It was essential to see how the other felt. It was also imperative to see how Tiernan was treated by his family.

The ending! I know this was a duet, so I anticipated that there would be a bit of a cliffhanger, but wow, this one was especially rough. I can’t wait to see what happens in the next book!

Dangerous Temptations
Other books by this author:
Lessons in Corruption1
Welcome to the Dark Side2


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