
Two years of my life have been stolen by the Royals of Forsyth. Two years of captivity and hell. Two years at the whim of powerful men.

I spent that time seeking freedom.

Now I want nothing more than revenge.

It won’t be easy. It’ll be painful and humiliating, but in the end taking down the thugs and thieves and criminals terrorizing Forsyth will be worth it.

I just have to decide who to go after first.


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**Check Trigger Warnings**

Dukes of Madness was a wild ride. The character growth in this book was outstanding!

Dukes of Madness picks right up for Dukes of Run. And we immediately end out the consequences of Nick’s actions. Lavinia is such a strong character. And though she does need savings, she isn’t always some damsel in distress. And she isn’t too proud to ask for help when needed. She is so well matched for these boys.

Sy really steps up in this one. He’s definitely grown on me. I enjoy the relationship he and Lavinia have, constantly challenging one another. Remy is everyone’s favorite, but I thought he had the most minor growth of the four. Though when it comes to Lavinia, he probably had less to work on than Sy and Nick. I always enjoyed the relationship between the three guys, especially how Nick and Sy treat Remy. They see him and trust him, and that comes through in this book even more. Finally, we have Nick. He is my favorite, yes, even after what he did, and not to give too much away but the grovel is good.

While the overall plot is discovering what happened to Leticia and Tate, it takes a back seat to the characters. Much like the Lords, this series is more about character development than plot. Does the plot move forward? Of course, and are there some great reveals? Yes. But all of that pales compared to the story of these four broken people figuring out themselves and each other.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by these authors:
A Deal with the Devil
Devil May Care1
Lords of Pain1
Lords of Wrath2
Lords of Mercy3
Dukes of Ruin4


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