
Anti-hero (noun):
1) A powerful and charismatic man lacking moral character
2) A magnificent bastard
3) Killian Black

You don’t know me.
You think you do, but you don’t.
The only thing you know is my name, and even that’s a lie.

I’m king of Boston, lord of criminals, ruler of an underworld empire. Or am I?

Only one thing’s for sure: I operate alone.

Until I cross paths with a brazen little thief who sets my whole kingdom on fire.

Just as two wrongs don’t make a right, two villains don’t belong together. Especially since she’s the daughter of my most deadly enemy.

Taking her would start a war.
Keeping her would be suicide.
Making her mine would break every code of honor and defy all common sense.

Then again, where’s the fun in following the rules?


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I loved Beautifully Cruel, but Cruel Paradise left me anting a little more.

Killian was fantastic. His cockiness was fantastic. And oh man, the romantic gestures in this book. I was swooning for Killian throughout the book. Juliet, however, was so annoying. I didn’t like her and felt like Killian could do better. Since the story was mostly just about these two making it work, it made my dislike for her even more prominent.

I listened to the audiobook, and I think that was really what kept me reading this book. Troy Duran did just a fantastic job voicing Killian. That Irish accent…swoon. I swear I could listen to it for hours! I loved that this was duet narration. Marnye Young was great too, and I think she helped me like Juliet a little more than I would have.

While the audiobook was AMAZING, the book itself left me wanting more.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by this author:
Beautifully Cruel1


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