
April Davis totally has her life in order. Ha! Not really. Yes, she’s the Calm Mom—a social influencer with a reputation for showing moms how to stay calm and collected through yoga—but behind the scenes, she’s barely holding it all together. Raising tiny humans alone is exhausting, but that’s just the chewed-up cherry on the melted sundae of her life. Her kids aren’t behaving, her husband left her for his skydiving instructor, and her top knot proves she hasn’t showered in days.

Then a live video of the “always calm” April goes viral…and she’s most definitely not. Enter Jack Gibson, April’s contact at the media conglomerate that has purchased April’s brand. The too-sexy-for-his-own-good Jack will help clean up April’s viral mess, and even work with her to expand her influence, but toddler tea parties and a dog with a penchant for peeing on his shoes were definitely not part of the deal.

Now April’s calm has jumped ship quicker than her kids running from their vegetables. Not to mention, the sparks flying between her and Jack have her completely out of her depth. Forget finding her calm—April’s going to need a boatload of margaritas just to find her way back to herself again.


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Generally, I don’t love a single-parent romance. I just don’t love children in my romance books in general, they sort of ruin the vibe. However, in April May Fall, ruining the vibe was sort of the point!

April May Fall is a super cute romance. I loved the idea that April was an influencer, and it is very relevant today. I also sort of loved what a mess she was. I liked that she wasn’t perfect. What I especially liked is that this book took on mommy shaming. I don’t have children myself, but most of my friends do, so I can see how hard it can be to raise children. And I believe that, in general, you should be supportive and not tearing people down.

Jack was almost too perfect! I mean, this super handsome, successful guy seemed to be pretty calm and collected at all times. Not only that, he took to April’s kids very quickly. I found this a little unrealistic, but it worked for the story, so I got over it.

Though this book was told in the third person, it was also sort of told from two perspectives. I liked getting both April’s and Jack’s views on things. It made me like them both more and want them to work everything out even more. I loved seeing April through Jack’s eyes. He tried to protect her so much, but when she proved she could handle it on her own, he was so proud. I absolutely loved the ending. It was such a cute twist.
The side characters we fantastic, and Kitty completely stole the show!

I enjoyed this book and want to go back to read the others in this series.

Other books by this author:
Played By the Rockstar


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