
Everyone knows Gwendolyn and Hamilton are enemies… what happens when the whole school finds out their secret?

Gwendolyn Adams has been canceled.

The Preston Prep Devils made that clear after the incident that forced my sister, Skylar, to leave our academy. They wanted me to leave, too, but I refused. I’m sticking around to make sure they follow through on the deal the snobby, elite crew of jocks made with the administration.

The arrangement is simple. No one ever speaks about what happened to Skylar again, and no one gets punished.

But that’s not exactly true, is it? I still get punished, each and every day that I walk down the halls. No one speaks to me. No one looks at me. No one even admits I exist.

It doesn’t matter. I know what they did. And I know who’s in charge; Hamilton Bates.

Handsome, smart, and ridiculously privileged.

He’s the lead Devil, and my hatred for him is all in the details.

All it takes is one slip, one heated argument, one mistake, and everything gets even more complicated.

We get complicated.

Is this love or has the Devil found a new plaything?



I don’t know what it is about high school bully romances that I like, but I can’t seem to read enough. Devil May Care is one of these. It isn’t quite as dark a some of the books I’ve read, but it isn’t a romantic comedy either.  

Devil May Care is told from both Gwen’s and Hamilton’s points of view, which completely made sense to the story.  I like that at the beginning of the book Hamilton isn’t immediately likable.  Though having his POV helps him become more likable as the book goes on.  You can tell that Gwen has a positive effect on him, and he becomes a much less jaded and self-centered person.  

I find that many of these types of books have some sort of mystery element.  And while these two characters did have a past, there was nothing nefarious going on.  These are just two people who grew up with different life experiences.  First, learning to coexist, then learning how to be together.  

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by this author:
A Deal with the Devil
Lords of Pain1
Lords of Wrath2
Lords of Mercy3
Dukes of Ruin4
Dukes of Madness5


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