See No Evil by Ivy Fox


They thought they could get away with it, but they are sorely mistaken.

They have been judged. They have been sentenced. All that remains is their execution.

No one goes unpunished. We’ll make sure of it.

We are The Society and all who dare cross us will find their miserable end by our hand.

Don’t be fooled. This is not their story.

It’s ours.


As long as I can remember, I’ve played by the rules.

On and off the football field, I’ve done everything that has been expected of me.

Until that fatal night.

Now my life and the lives of my best friends hang in the balance, hung there by a sadistic sinister shadow forcing us to do their will.

And it’s just my damn luck that I’m the first to be put on their butcher’s block.

I must prove my worth by eradicating a certain pebble in their shoe.

The order is simple.

To save ourselves, I must ruin another—a life for a life.

Meaning Stone Bennett’s life is about to be forfeited in exchange for my own.

The poor girl never stood a chance.


He’s all American perfection.

I’m the poster child for this country’s rejects.

He’s old Asheville money and privilege.

I’m the Southie eyesore people stay clear from.

He’s caviar dreams and champagne wishes.

I’m the trailer trash his momma probably warned him about.

I doubt it can get any further away from the elitist’s social spectrum than the two of us.

So why the hell is Finn Walker, Richfield’s football god, suddenly all in my face wanting my attention?

Nothing good can come from this.

I can feel it.


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See No Evil was one of those books that snuck up on me. The more I read, the more I loved it. The mystery and the romance were simply wonderful.

Finn is just amazing! He has definitely been added to my book boyfriend list. I loved the dual POV in this and how early on you see that Finn is not at all as he appears on the outside.  It made Stone falling for him very believable because I totally get it.  I liked Stone as well; she wasn’t exactly what I expected.  She was tough and smart, and the way she responded to the things that happened was refreshing.

I also loved the secret society angle.  There aren’t a lot of answers in this book, and I do wish there was maybe a little bit more.  However, I also understand the mystery.  I was already planning on reading the next book, but the mystery especially makes me want to jump into the next book right away.  This series is standalone that are interconnected with the mystery overarching the whole series. 


Available on Kindle Unlimited

See No Evil  book review

Other books by this author:
Hear No Evil2


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