
The answer to your question will be revealed on the Lunar Eclipse. But when finding the truth, don’t let the shadows take you.

The week of The Reckoning has begun. And senior students have been tasked with making the freshmen’s lives pure hell as they prepare to take their fateful assessment.

With the Lunar Eclipse on the horizon, Tory and Darcy have more to worry about than just passing their exams. A dark plot is unfolding and the shadows are drawing closer…


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Wow! Zodiac Academy: The Reckoning. So many things happened, and I loved them all! This review is so hard to write without spoilers because I want to say so much!

This book had so many things happen in it, so many things I was very anxiously awaiting. Orion remains my favorite person in the series. So I find myself wanting to read his and Darcy’s POV chapters more than the other. I am starting to like Tory more, but I don’t relate to her as much as Darcy, not just because I, too, have the hots for a certain grumpy professor. Tory seems a little more reckless than Darcy, and I am always anxious when I read her interactions, especially with the heirs.

One thing I have loved about this series, but in this book especially, is the bonds between the characters. Darcy and Tory’s bond is solid, but I love seeing Orion and Darius’s bond and even the heirs’ bond. Though I have to say I’m pretty over the bullying. I would love it if everyone could just sit down and talk to one another instead of pulling deadly pranks on one another. It is really dumb and not really getting anyone anything, so I am hoping that maybe in the next book, that stuff doesn’t happen as much.

Along with the action and a few sex scenes, this book is funny. There are a few literal laugh-out-loud moments in this book, and I really enjoy the humor in these books, especially with all the other things going on. I’m really enjoying this series and am trying to savor it, so I don’t have to wait too long for that last books, but it’s so hard not to just binge them all.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by these author:
Dark Fae1
Zodiac Academy: The Awakening1
Zodiac Academy: Ruthless Fae2
King of Quarantine1
Kings of Lockdown2
Kings of Anarchy3
Queen of Quarantine4
Sinners Playground1
Dead Man's Isle2
Carnival Hill3


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