
My father always taught me to take care of myself.

He made me strong, cunning and calculating.

But my Brutal Boys made me unbreakable.

Have you ever heard the saying that it takes one to know one? Because from the very first moment I met the men I’ve claimed as my tribe, I knew that I was looking into the faces of monsters. And that really should have been all it took for me to know that I was one too.

Hiding beneath my skin isn’t an innocent girl, waiting for someone to ride in on a white horse and rescue me from my demons. So I think it’s time I showed the world my claws.

I’m sick of people thinking they own me. My Night Keepers and now the members of this twisted club all need to learn a lesson in that.

I’m not a doll made to dance to their tune, I’m not a puppet intended to play a part and I’m certainly no plaything to be used and destroyed. I’m a warrior with a goal of my own. And everyone who wants to stand in my way had better get used to the idea of falling to ruin at my feet.

When everything you thought you could rely on is ripped away from you, you have no choice but to find out what you’re truly made of. And deep down in the depths of my soul, I know that I was made to survive.

I have suffered through torment, fought against my oppressors and tamed the creatures who tried to bury me in the dark.

It’s time that everyone stopped underestimating me.

I’m done being a queen without a crown.

I’m ready for my coronation.


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After the cliffhanger at the end of Kings of Lockdown, I jumped right into Kings of Anarchy.  These books keep getting better and better.

The guys finally realized their feelings for Tatum, which, I’ll be honest, took a little too long for my taste.  They are all the same guys, still assholed, but they have welcomed Tatum into their family.  It’s interesting to me how my feelings for particular guys have changed with the story.  In book one, I loved Monroe and hated Saint, and now Saint is growing on me, and I find myself extremely annoyed with Monroe a lot of the time.  I still love Blake and Kyan, and that hasn’t changed too much.  

There are a couple of plot points in this book that had me side-eyeing.  I understood the rationale, but I didn’t think it was necessary for the plot, and the aftermath just irritated me more.  We also get some resolutions on some but not all of the mysteries.  With one book left, I am looking forward to seeing how all this will be wrapped up.  

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by this author:
Dark Fae1
Zodiac Academy: The Awakening1
Zodiac Academy: Ruthless Fae2
King of Quarantine1
Kings of Lockdown2
Queen of Quarantine4
Sinners Playground1
Dead Man's Isle2
Carnival Hill3


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