My Favorite Non-Human Characters in Romance Books

Hello October! If you follow me on Instagram, you know this month for my photo challenge #loversbetweenthecoversOct21, then you know this month’s focus is non-humans, so I thought I would share some of my favorite non-human characters in romance books on my blog as well! I should warn you now they are pretty much all men, so…

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All the Characters in The Bonds that Tie by by J. Bree

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I don’t think it’s a secret that I love Broken Bonds! Like, LOVE it. And one of the reasons I love it so much is the characters. Gryphon is my favorite, but honestly, I like just about all of the characters in this book, maybe even Nox. If you haven’t read this one yet, READ IT NOW!

River in the Kit Davenport Series by Tate James

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From the first book in the Kit Davenport series, I knew that River was going to be my favorite. I have a type and River fits that type completely. And there are enough guys in this series that everyone will find someone they like!

Lance Orion in Zoadiac Academy by Caroline Peckham and Suzanne Valenti

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And speaking of types, Orion is another one that is mine. I will admit he’s a little bit more of an ass than I normally go for, but there is just something about him I can’t get enough of!


Mera in Shadow Beast Shifters by Jaymin Eve



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I really enjoyed Rejected and the rest of this series. It was different than I was used to. I also really enjoyed Mera and Shadow, but Mera was what really made the books for me!