American Prince
Title: American Prince
Series Number: 2
Genres: ,


I’ve been many things.

I’ve been a son and a stepbrother. An Army captain and a Vice President.

But only with him am I a prince. His little prince.

Only with Maxen and Greer does my world make sense, only between them can I find peace from the demons that haunt me. But men like me aren’t made to be happy. We don’t deserve it. And I should have known a love as sharp as ours could cut both ways.

My name is Embry Moore and I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States…for now.

This is the story of an American Prince.


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American Prince is told mainly from Embry’s point of view, which makes this book very different from American Queen.

We see a little of Embry’s self-loathing in this book and begin to understand him more as a character. The irony of all this is that when Embry finally sees himself as a good man, is when I start to hate him a little bit. Embry plays the martyr well, and while often I think the choices he makes are to protect the people he loves, they are also often the easier way out, which I think explains Embry in a nutshell.  

There was a lot of focus on Ash and Embry’s past in this book, as it is told from Embry’s perspective in the past, and then the present alternates between him and Greer.  And though we get little parts of Greer, I missed her in this book.  She is by far my favorite character of the series, probably because she is the most likable.  Embry and Greer are opposite characters; it is interesting to see that, but I definitely preferred American Queen and Greers POV.

 The book is one bomb drop after another, and since the setting is politics, I can’t be that surprised. Although, I have to say the very last bomb that was dropped was a little too much, even for me. Some I saw coming, but many I did not, and I could have done without a few of them. And I really could have done without Embry’s response to most of them.

While American Queen left me tied up in emotional knots, American Prince left me well pissed. 

Available on Kindle Unlimited

American Prince

Other books by this author:
American Queen1
American King Book Cover3


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