American Queen
Title: American Queen
Series Number: 1
Genres: ,


It starts with a stolen kiss under an English sky, and it ends with a walk down the aisle. It starts with the President sending his best friend to woo me on his behalf, and it ends with my heart split in two. It starts with buried secrets and dangerous desires…and ends with the three of us bound together with a hateful love sharper than any barbed wire.

My name is Greer Galloway, and I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States.

This is the story of an American Queen


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Holy Moly Sierra Simone has done it again.  I loved Priest, but I think American Queen is even better! 

Sierra Simone can write angst like no one else.  You feel for these characters immediately.  I loved all three of them.  One of the things I loved was how Greer constantly spoke her mind.  Even the times when it was difficult, she asked the questions that needed to be answered. I loved Ash and Embry as well.  Ash is so patient and honest with Greer, and  I truly felt their love was real.  Embry is a bit more of a mystery, and I hope we learn more about him in the next book.  But I loved the little we got.  This book is told entirely from Greer’s point of view, and while most of the time I like to get others’ perspectives, I didn’t feel like I was missing anything without it.  Both Ash and Embry’s emotions and desires were pretty clear in this book, even without their perspectives.  

The story spans about ten years and in that time, so much happened, yet so much stayed the same.  There are so many twists and turns in this book as you find out about all the different relationships involved.  Chapter after chapter, my mind was blown, and while some of it I saw coming, there was quite a bit that I didn’t!  At its heart, though, this story is a romance about people finding a love that works for them.  

I listened to the audiobook, and Stephanie Rose was phenomenal.  Not just the way she voiced the different characters, but the emotion she conveyed. I can’t wait to listen to more books performed by her! 

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by this author:
American Prince2
American King Book Cover3

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