

I was told that dreams were our heart’s desires. My nightmares, however, became my obsession.

His name is Michael Crist.

My boyfriend’s older brother is like that scary movie that you peek through your hand to watch. He is handsome, strong, and completely terrifying. The star of his college’s basketball team and now gone pro, he’s more concerned with the dirt on his shoe than me.

But I noticed him.

I saw him. I heard him. The things that he did, and the deeds that he hid…For years, I bit my nails, unable to look away.

Now, I’ve graduated high school and moved on to college, but I haven’t stopped watching Michael. He’s bad, and the dirt I’ve seen isn’t content to stay in my head anymore.

Because he’s finally noticed me.


Her name is Erika Fane, but everyone calls her Rika.

My brother’s girlfriend grew up hanging around my house and is always at our dinner table. She looks down when I enter a room and stills when I am close. I can always feel the fear rolling off of her, and while I haven’t had her body, I know that I have her mind. That’s all I really want anyway.

Until my brother leaves for the military, and I find Rika alone at college.

In my city.


The opportunity is too good to be true as well as the timing. Because you see, three years ago she put a few of my high school friends in prison, and now they’re out.

We’ve waited. We’ve been patient. And now every last one of her nightmares will come true.


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I have mixed feelings about Corrupt.  I enjoyed the two main characters, but I had some major issues with parts of this story line.  

Corrupt is a dark romance.  I would categorize it as a bully romance. The Horseman, led by Michael, are trying to destroy Rika for her alleged sins.  This book is told in alternating POVs and timelines.  It certainly helped to have Michael’s perspective on this; I think I would have liked this book even less without it.  The book is told in the present and 3 years ago.  As the story of the past and present unfolds, you begin to see what really happened.  The mystery of Devil’s night three years ago was a good hook, and it kept me engaged. 

I won’t give any spoilers, but I had a few issues with certain characters of this book and how they were handled.  It took away from the romance in the book, which was the thing I really enjoyed.  This was an engaging read, but, as I said, I took issue with some of the plot.  With that in mind, I don’t think I will continue reading books from this series.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by this author:
Birthday Girl


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