
“She went home with someone else that night?”

Hearing the disbelief from my best friend’s mouth makes the events of my failed date sting that much more.

I would like to make it known, I have a lot more swagger than what it seems. I don’t normally ask a girl out, have her fail to recognize it’s a date, and then give me a high five–as if I’m her wingman–and take off with someone else.

No. Normally I’m the one taking the girl home but with Stella, it’s been one failed attempt after another and frankly, I’m done trying.

But thanks to my best friend getting married in Hawaii right before the school year starts, I’m stuck on a tropical island, watching Stella parade around in what she claims is a bathing suit.

Unfortunately, that’s not the worst of it, just the tip of the iceberg. Because what I think is going to be a relaxing vacation, avoiding the one girl I can’t seem to make it work with, has turned into a spectacle of being recruited as Stella’s doting fake fiancé so she can save face with an old “friend” from high school.

Now I’m navigating through purgatory while trying not to get turned on by the way she holds my hand or kisses my jaw. It’s all fake, that’s what I keep telling myself, even though it feels entirely too real.


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I loved See Me After Class, and I was so happy to see Stella and Romeo get their own book with Earn Your Extra Credit.  

I have expressed my sometimes irritation with the friends to lovers trope.  Now, there were some parts of the plot that irritated me, but it wasn’t so much the usual if we do this we will ruin the friendship.  The issue in this book was more than just two people’s miscommunication, though that seemed like that might be part of it.  However, the bigger problem was Stella’s insecurities. Stella had some wonderful character growth in this book and 

Though this is a rom-com, and I mean it, there are some laugh-out-loud funny parts in this book, that doesn’t mean it lacks steam.  In fact, there are some very steamy parts, that actually lead to the laugh-out-loud parts.  

I listened to the audiobook and Erin Mallon did a wonderful job! While I generally love Sebastian York, I just didn’t really feel like his voice fit the character in this situation.  It didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the story, but I just think maybe another narrator would have been a better choice.  

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by this author:
See Me After Class
Put Me in Detention
The Change Up5


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