
Finn O’Grady is the Devil in a custom suit.
Not even God will deny a man like him.

I’m certainly not God.
I’m just a woman he’s set his sights on.
One he’ll never relinquish.

His idea of being ‘kind’ is to give me two options.

Destroy the reputation of a man I love.

Bed him . . . and he’ll forget about what he knows.

One night only.

He doesn’t know I’m a virgin.

And when he finds out?

One night isn’t enough.

— Not for him, and not for me. —

But his world is forged on the misery of others.

He might have a house in the Hamptons,
stare at the Hudson when he sits behind his desk,
and manage a billion dollar hedge fund,
all of that doesn’t change the fact that he’s a mobster.

One of the infamous Five Points.

Being with him puts me in danger.
But my heart?

Well, it’s been in danger from the first moment we met . . .


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Filthy promised some of my favorite tropes, mafia and age gap, but I felt like it was more of just a romance.

There were certainly elements of the mafia life in this book, but it was almost a side plot that didn’t affect the relationship between Finn and Aofie. I loved the romance between them, even though I did feel like it was maybe too easy for them to fall in love. Finn was not the typical alpha hole mafia male, which I liked, but it was certainly unexpected. I thought their relationship of mutual respect and admiration was great. I also liked that Aofie knew what the mafia life would mean for her, and she didn’t shy away!

There were some other plot elements that I thought were unnecessary as they weren’t even really addressed in this book. Maybe they will come into play in later books in the series, but It felt a little incomplete.

I did enjoy this, though, and I was especially happy that I opted for the audiobook. Both narrators did a fantastic job, and I loved listening to them.

Available on Kindle Unlimited


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