Four Aunties and a Wedding
Title: Four Aunties and a Wedding
Series Number: 2


Meddy Chan has been to countless weddings, but she never imagined how her own would turn out. Now the day has arrived, and she can’t wait to marry her college sweetheart, Nathan. Instead of having Ma and the aunts cater to her wedding, Meddy wants them to enjoy the day as guests. As a compromise, they find the perfect wedding vendors: a Chinese-Indonesian family-run company just like theirs. Meddy is hesitant at first, but she hits it off right away with the wedding photographer, Staphanie, who reminds Meddy of herself, down to the unfortunately misspelled name.

Meddy realizes that is where their similarities end, however, when she overhears Staphanie talking about taking out a target. Horrified, Meddy can’t believe Staphanie and her family aren’t just like her own, they are The Family–actual mafia, and they’re using Meddy’s wedding as a chance to conduct shady business. Her aunties and mother won’t let Meddy’s wedding ceremony become a murder scene–over their dead bodies–and will do whatever it takes to save her special day, even if it means taking on the mafia.


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Four Aunties and a Wedding was very entertaining, but I also felt like it was very over the top!

The Aunts are supposed to make you laugh, and they certainly do, but this book was almost too much.
I loved Meddy and Nathan and would have liked the book to show a little bit more of their relationship without Meddy’s family. I understand that Meddy’s family is a central part of the plot, and I did enjoy them, but just a tiny step away from them would have been good.

This book and Dial A for Aunties reminded me of I Love Lucy, a character just getting into crazy situations. This book was very well written, and you could easily visualize the physical comedy being played out in each scene. The Aunts really do steal the show in this book. I also loved seeing the family dynamics play out, especially between Ma and Fourth Aunt. Those two could have their own reality show for sure!

Overall this was a great read. I laughed out loud often while reading it. I wish there had been a few more scenes involving Meddy and Nathan.

four aunties and a wedding

Other books by this author:
Dail A for Aunties1


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