
There’s one word you don’t utter at Prescott High, not unless you want them to own you.
Hael, Aaron, Victor, Oscar, and Callum.

The Havoc Boys rule the hellhole we call Prescott High.
Once upon a time, they ruled me. For an entire year, I endured their shit.
But senior year is going to be different.

This year, I own them.
I’ve made a pact with the Havoc Boys to get the vengeance I deserve.
Their price? Me. At their beck and call, in their beds, a part of their gang.

Their girl.
A Havoc Girl.
Those dirty, rotten boys are going to get revenge against everyone that’s wronged me—everyone but themselves.



I have been on a bit of a high school bully reverse harem kick lately, and Havoc is the absolute perfect read for that.  This book is dark and very violent. And there are a lot of flashbacks to the torture the Havoc boys put Bernedette through.  If that doesn’t turn you off, then this book is well worth a read. 

This book is the perfect example of why I enjoy Reverse Harems so much. Each of the five Havoc members is so different.  Each of them provides Bernadette with something she needs. And while the boys did hurt her, there is more to the story than that.  I wish there had been more back story in this book, but I foresee book two having more of that.  I like the idea that each of the boys had a connection to Bernadette that impacts how they feel about her now.  

The story starts a little slow. Basically, just Bernadette understands the guys, but again, I think there will be a bigger mystery as the series continues.  This book certainly hints at something bigger going on.  The characters are the real star of this book.  There is so much back story and character building in this book, yet I still wanted more.  Each of these boys has a past, and the further I read, the more I want to know them.  

I will definitely be reading more of this series! 

Available on Kindle Unlimited

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