
kill order


a document issued by the Circle allowing for the murder of a mercenary with no agency repercussions. A rarely-wielded tool, a kill order brings the Circle’s full wrath down on its target.

Worthless, useless, waste of space. That’s what my father liked to remind me on a daily basis. I was a stain on his pristine reputation. We both were, Moana and I. He taught us that we were less than nothing, we were an inconvenience. Slugs on the cabbage of life. But he was wrong.

Because of him, my sister and I dedicated our lives to helping others. Fighting for others who couldn’t fight for themselves. We took risks, gained ranks, and eventually discovered a purpose. My big sister, my best friend… her pain and loss gave us the direction we both so desperately needed.

We were a unit. A family. A team. Dedicated to a purpose. My calling in life. Until I met her.

How do I tame the deadliest of women? How can I prove myself to her, snaring her in the bonds that have lashed me to her? How do I navigate a partnership with a man I loathe, to whom I’d spent years wanting to destroy?

Destroy the Guild. Take Danny home. Live our life.

That had been my goal.


I want her back. I want the Guild out of her life. I’ll sell my soul and work with my enemy if I have to.

Whatever it takes.


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Kill Order is the final book in the Guild trilogy, and it’s everything I’ve been waiting for. Action, suspense, and almost more steam than I could handle… almost.

I have loved Leon since the start, but he is at his best in this one. He’s even crazier in this book if that is possible. Danny is such a wonderful FMC, strong, intelligent, and independent. She manages Leon and Kai so well! Kai grew so much through this series! I enjoyed Kai and Leon finding common ground, and let me tell you, those two have some mad bedroom skills on their own, but their forces combined… Danny is one lucky lady!

I enjoyed the story, though I did have this one figured out early on. I did enjoy getting to learn more about how the guild works. I hope to see more of the organization in future books. There were a lot of great side characters in this book, but Koen stole the show. That kid was hilarious, and I loved his interactions with Danny!

Kill Order is an excellent conclusion to this series! This one might be Tate’s Steamiest book yet, though I think she can go even steamier – Yes, that is a challenge.

Available on Kindle Unlimited

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