
I didn’t notice her before…but now I do.
The shiny strands of gold in her silky brown hair.
Tiny crinkles between her eyebrows when she frowns.
Her passion for neatness.

Once I focus on her, I can’t take my eyes from my newest obsession. Ever.
I need to know everything about her.
Her past. Her present.
The way she takes her coffee.
Exactly how she smells after a spritz of perfume in the mornings.

She’s perfect in every way and I was blind.
But, God, now do I see.

I notice the organized way she arranges her clothes in her closet.
How she visits the same market each Saturday.
The sounds of her breathing as I lie beneath her bed in silence.

Violet is mine.
She just doesn’t know it yet.


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So apparently, stalkers can be sexy.  I think we all learned this while watching you, but Notice goes above and beyond! 

Notice was one of the books where I knew I shouldn’t be okay with what was going on, but I so was!  Gray was the sexiest stalker I’ve ever read about.  I did enjoy that his stalker tendencies were explained.  I also found it so interesting that he didn’t really “see” Violet, but once he did, it was on.  I really liked Violet.  You’d think that she would be a weak character given how this book goes, but she really wasn’t.  I admired her backbone and her ability to forgive.  

I did have some questions, like how exactly Gray got so rich, but you know I don’t really need those details.  I found the story itself very interesting.  Almost every chapter revealed something new about Gray or Violet, which kept me engaged! The pacing was good, and of course, there were some very sexy parts that kept me interested as well. 

I know Notice isn’t even K. Webster’s craziest book and I can’t wait to read more.


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