Prince Charming
Title: Prince Charming
Series Number: 2


Winston Constantine is no prince charming…

I crave him so badly I think I might be losing my mind. He’s right in front of me, but he’s just as remote as my dreams of getting away from my stepbrothers. I keep playing his twisted games, and I want to stay just as distant as he is. But I can’t. I never could. I’ve fallen for him. Hopelessly. Irrevocably.

But Winston isn’t a lover, he’s a business venture.
A way for me to pay for college.
A ticket out.

He’s never pretended to be anything other than that.
I can’t blame him for making me fall in love.

There can be no happily ever after between a maid and a prince, no matter what the stories say.


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Prince Charming is book two in this series, and I am happy to report it was a solid book that was more than just filler.

From a plot perspective, not a ton happened in this book, but from a character perspective, we see Win finally realize what has been clear to us all, his feelings for Ash. I really love how well-matched Win and Ash are. Not just with their particular kink, but Win is a self-proclaimed asshole, and Ash knows just how to handle him. I also love how Ash can soften his assholeishness. Yes, he is still curt and generally tactless, but he starts to see the good in people, and the reader starts to see more of the good in him.

I also liked that while Win did what he could to protect Ash when she needed it, he also let her handle what he knew she could. He respected her more than most people would respect an 18-year-old – and while yes, it was a little unrealistic, it made me like Win even more. If the first book in the series was about displaying Win’s power, this one was about showing his after side and making him more likable.

And that ending! Have The Glass Slipper ready to go because you’re going to want to jump right in!

Other books by this author:
Triple Threat1
Death Wish2
The Stroke of Midnight1
The Glass Slipper3


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