
Once upon a time I met four monsters and thought the world would come to an end at their hands.

But I was a fool.
Because I didn’t understand the bigger picture.
That the enemies I thought I knew would become the reason for my entire existence. My strength. My pain. My life. My love.

The big bad wolf has teeth and claws as sharp as iron, and the danger before my eyes is blinding. So blinding that I didn’t see the true danger lurking in the dark.

But now my eyes are wide open and I see it all.

Alone and afraid and running out of time, I’m not afraid of monsters anymore.

I’m counting on them to come for me.

Because if they don’t, this foolish girl might be lost forever in the dark.


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Queen of Quarantine was my favorite book in the Brutal Boys of Everlake Prep series.  It was by far the funniest, like laugh out loud funny! 

Queen of Quarantine also has by far the most action, the gang moves from one adventure to another, and while some of them seemed a little unnecessary, it certainly kept things interesting.   The best part of this book is seeing the five of them interacting. They finally have all accepted each other and I do enjoy the dynamic.  

While the story was interesting, it probably could have been shorter.  There just seemed to be parts of the story that were more for the action than actually necessary for the story.  I enjoyed the story and thought it was wrapped up well.  No spoilers, but I will admit the very end of the book made me roll my eyes a little.  I still really enjoyed this book and this series, and I will certainly be reading The Death Club to get more Uncle Niall!

Available on Kindle Unlimited

Other books by these authors:
Dark Fae1
Zodiac Academy: The Awakening1
Zodiac Academy: Ruthless Fae2
King of Quarantine1
Kings of Lockdown2
Kings of Anarchy3
Sinners Playground1
Dead Man's Isle2
Carnival Hill3


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