
Catalina Martín, finally, not single. Her family is happy to announce that she will bring her American boyfriend to her sister’s wedding. Everyone is invited to come and witness the most magical event of the year.

That would certainly be tomorrow’s headline in the local newspaper of the small Spanish town I came from. Or the epitaph on my tombstone, seeing the turn my life had taken in the span of a phone call.

Four weeks wasn’t a lot of time to find someone willing to cross the Atlantic–from NYC and all the way to Spain–for a wedding. Let alone, someone eager to play along my charade. But that didn’t mean I was desperate enough to bring the 6’4 blue eyed pain in my ass standing before me.

Aaron Blackford. The man whose main occupation was making my blood boil had just offered himself to be my date. Right after inserting his nose in my business, calling me delusional, and calling himself my best option. See? Outrageous. Aggravating. Blood boiling. And much to my total despair, also right. Which left me with a surly and extra large dilemma in my hands. Was it worth the suffering to bring my colleague and bane of my existence as my fake boyfriend to my sister’s wedding? Or was I better off coming clean and facing the consequences of my panic induced lie?

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So The Spanish Love Deception was basically just The Hating Game.

In fact, the whole time I was reading it, that’s what I was thinking about; Wow, this is very similar to The Hating Game. Even the characters were easily similar, a charming woman that everyone liked and a stoic guy that most of their co-workers found a little off-putting. I did like Aaron. I love a misunderstood hero, the quiet guy that hides his feelings. His character was very well written. Catalina, on the other hand, I found to be a little annoying and honestly not all the likable.

If you’ve read The Hating Game, then you know the plot. I mean, there is even a fake date wedding! So was it exactly the same? Not exactly, but it was eerily similar. I’m not going to spoil anything, but all of the same tropes were used, even some of the same situations. And personally, I didn’t think it was somehow a more well-written version either.

This book was fine, and had Catalina been less annoying, I think I would have liked it more, but she wasn’t, and I didn’t.


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