
Single mother April Parker has lived in Willow Creek for twelve years with a wall around her heart. On the verge of being an empty nester, she’s decided to move on from her quaint little town, and asks her friend Mitch for his help with some home improvement projects to get her house ready to sell.

Mitch Malone is known for being the life of every party, but mostly for the attire he wears to the local Renaissance Faire–a kilt (and not much else) that shows off his muscled form to perfection. While he agrees to help April, he needs a favor too: she’ll pretend to be his girlfriend at an upcoming family dinner, so that he can avoid the lectures about settling down and having a more “serious” career than high school coach and gym teacher. April reluctantly agrees, but when dinner turns into a weekend trip, it becomes hard to tell what’s real and what’s been just for show. But when the weekend ends, so must their fake relationship.

As summer begins, Faire returns to Willow Creek, and April volunteers for the first time. When Mitch’s family shows up unexpectedly, April pretends to be Mitch’s girlfriend again…something that doesn’t feel so fake anymore. Despite their obvious connection, April insists they’ve just been putting on an act. But when there’s the chance for something real, she has to decide whether to change her plans–and open her heart–for the kilt-wearing hunk who might just be the love of her life.


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I know I’m not the only one that had been eagerly awaiting Mitch and April’s stories, but I must say I didn’t know how’d I’d feel about them together. Well Matched indeed! I absolutely loved them!

Mitch was the comic relief and the aromatic foil in some of the previous books, but he always stood out. He is just so charismatic. You can’t help but like him. Especially that whole Jamie Fraser thing he has going on during the faire. But quite honestly, he isn’t known for much more than a good time. April seemed his complete opposite, the responsible one, who wasn’t really any fun. In Well Met, I didn’t really like her much at first.

Well, let me tell you opposites attract. There was some serious chemistry between these two. I also like that we got to see different sides to these characters. We see Mitch is more than we thought, and April actually does know how to let her guard down, at least a little. I really loved how April stood up for Mitch.

While I would have liked a little more at the end, I really enjoyed this book, especially Mitch and April!

Other books by this author:
Well Met1
Well Played2


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