Kill Order by Tate James

Synopsis kill ordernouna document issued by the Circle allowing for the murder of a mercenary with no agency repercussions. A rarely-wielded tool, a kill order brings the Circle’s full wrath down on its target.Worthless, useless, waste of space. That’s what my father liked to remind…

Dead Drop by Tate James

Synopsis dead dropnouna method of espionage tradecraft used to pass items or information between two individuals using a secret location.All I’ve ever known is the Guild. They clothed me, fed me, raised me. They trained me. And in return I became their perfect weapon, their…

Striker by Rachel Leigh

Synopsis Two wrongs don't make a right.But, try telling them that.MarniI wasn't supposed to be at that house.I should have never wandered away from the party.And I definitely shouldn't have pressed my ear to that door.The words I heard play in my mind like a…
Honey Trap

Honey Trap by Tate James

Synopsis honeytrapnouna stratagem in which an attractive person entices another person into revealing information or doing something unwise.Those who have reached a certain level within the mercenary guild, know that it’s not merely a job. It isn’t a hobby or a career or a fun…
Crooked Crows

Crooked Crows by Elena Lawson

Synopsis Unapologetically f*cked up. Heartlessly cruel. Broken beyond repair.Corvus, Rook, and Grey – The Crows.Bred in a world of gang wars, violence, and secrets, they rule the bloody town of Thorn Valley and all the people in it…too bad for me I’ve never been good…
Flock by Kate Stewart

Flock by Kate Stewart

Synopsis I grew up sick.⁣⁣Let me clarify.⁣⁣I grew up believing that real love stories include a martyr or demand great sacrifice to be worthy.⁣⁣Because of that, I believed it, because I made myself believe it, and I bred the most masochistic of romantic hearts, which resulted…