Kings of Chaos by Eva Ahswood

Synopsis I was a good girl once, but now I dance with devils.Some people wear their heart on their sleeve. I wear vengeance like a suit of armor.I’ve got a list with six names on it. Six people who wronged me, who hurt me, who…

Bones by Shantel Tessier

Synopsis BONESI got my name from breaking the bones of a kid who picked on my younger brother, but that’s only where it started.My black heart craves violence, and being a King gives me plenty of opportunities.When a friend comes to me for help because…

Vicious Fae by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis The King will fall.While I continue my hunt for the Fae who killed my brother, I have to try to keep my heart away from the vicious boys who could be responsible for his death.But as my investigation leads me down a dangerous road…

Gallows Bridge by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis Every story comes to an end eventually. Maybe ours was never meant to have a happy ending.I was back in my hometown at last, surrounded by the boys I’ve loved for my entire life, and I’d finally had everything I’d ever wanted. But fate…

Dukes of Madness by Angel Lawson and Samantha Rue

Synopsis Two years of my life have been stolen by the Royals of Forsyth. Two years of captivity and hell. Two years at the whim of powerful men.I spent that time seeking freedom.Now I want nothing more than revenge.It won’t be easy. It’ll be painful…

Society of Psychos by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis I’m the prince of death.A son of carnage born of wicked deeds and sin-filled nightmares.Nobody understood me. Until her.My Spider.The wild girl I claimed from a sea of violent men. But others want her too…The enemies who lurk within my walls seek to steal…

The Death Club by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis Chaos. Carnage. Killing.The three Cs that make my life complete.I know killing technically doesn’t start with a C – but wouldn’t life be better if it did? Just like it would be better if the Devil was my boyfriend, Santa wasn’t a d*ck and…

Savage Fae by Caroline Peckham and Susanne Valenti

Synopsis There's more to my brother's murder than I realised...Shadows in the halls, mysteries lurking around every corner.Whoever killed him is covering their tracks well.And now I'm walking a dangerous line between getting close to the four kings for information and wanting to crawl deeper…

Rebels and Rejects by R. A. Smyth

Synopsis I work in the darkness that is Black Creek.If there’s a secret to uncover, a package to deliver, or a story to be told, I’m your girl. I make my money however I can.Once upon a time, The Feral Beasts ruled Black Creek with…